Roma West Phase 2B
Santos Ltd. - Roma Hub, QLD
Project Execution Period
November 2016 - February 2018
Contract Value
$24.5 million
Project Description
The Roma field covers approximately 3,000 square kilometers. Initially, gas was produced from sandstone reservoirs, but since 1988 gas has been produced from the field’s coal seams. Operated by Santos the field is one of several which supply the GLNG facility.
The major Roma Hub compression facility can produce 145 TJ of gas per day. Roma West Phase 2B will see 159 wells brought online adding another 140 TJ/d of hub compression capacity. Sales gas from the Roma field is transported by pipeline to Gladstone, where it is converted into LNG for export to overseas markets.
Scope of Work
The scope awarded to Monadelphous included the supply, installation, construction and commissioning of the Roma West Phase 2b (RWP2b) Hub expansion.